“Discover the Scapular Stabilization Exercises that Exercise and Injury Expert, Rick Kaselj, Stumbled Upon in Order to Help His Client’s with Shoulder Injuries & Pain”
Discover How a Research Backed Exercise Program Designed by a Shoulder Exercise Specialist Will Finally Help Your Client’s Decrease Pain, Improve Range of Motion and Increase Shoulder Stability!
Featured Presenter For……
Dear Fitness Professional,
If you are interested in helping your client’s overcome their shoulder injuries with fast simple and effective exercises that most fitness & health professionals don’t know about, then read this important letter.
Here’s Why:
My name is Rick Kaselj. I’m a world-renowned exercise and injuries expert and international fitness presenter. I have written numerous articles that have appear in fitness association magazine and taught over 256 presentations to 5021 fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.
I’ve developed the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program which helps clients with shoulder injuries and pain; improves the range of motion of their arm, decrease pain in their arm and increase stability in the shoulder.
The Scapular Stabilization Exercise program is a combination of 6 years of University study (including a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science), 16 years of hands-on experience and 1000s of personal training session and careful scrutiny of 54 medical research papers.
It all started in 2003, when I was working at a large rehabilitation centre. We had a number of people enter the clinic with shoulder injuries. I was giving them the same old shoulder strengthening exercises that I leaned in my personal training certification course.
I began to do more research on how to get better results for my clients with shoulder injuries. I stumbled across some research on scapular stabilization exercises and found that it is the main muscle group that helps protect the rotator cuff and stabilize the shoulder during overhead movements.
I began using these exercises with the clients in the clinic and I was amazed with the results.
A friend who has in physical therapy school heard about the exercises I was doing and in 2004, I was invited to a conference at McMasters University to present on scapular stabilization to physical therapy students from across Canada. They were blown away by what I had to show them.
Then in 2007, I began teaching these exercises to other fitness professionals in my Core Stability of the Shoulder courses. The concept of scapular exercises and the importance of the scapular muscles was new to many of the hundreds of fitness professionals that attend the course.
Finally in 2009, after 7 years of tweaking and perfecting the exercises, I have found the right combination of scapular stabilization exercises to get the best results for your client’s shoulder injuries and pain.
It’s not your fault.
I was giving the same old body building exercise to my clients with shoulder injuries and not getting results.
Even when I asked other health professionals that I was working with (orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine doctors, rehabilitation physicians, sports physical therapists, orthopedic physical therapists, occupational therapist) on what the best exercises are for the shoulder, they kept recommending traditional old school body building exercises.
I was wrong.
I finally had to accept the fact that I was wrong and needed to search out a better solution for my shoulder injury clients. That is when I found scapular stabilization exercises.
These exercises are not taught in Personal Training Certifying Courses
The exercises in the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program are not taught in fitness certification or conferences. Even when I go back and look at my text book that I had to read to get my personal training certification, there is not mention of these exercises.
I had to find the answers deep in the research and tweak it to perfection with my clients.
“Helpful Program to Exercise the Scapular Muscles”
“Very informative! The exercises are described very well and I really like the client sheet with the exercises on one page. I like that it can be done in about 10 minutes and it is only 5 reps per exercise.
I found the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program a very helpful program to exercise the scapular muscles.”
Chris O.
San Ramon, CA
“Very Comprehensive”
“I would describe the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program as very comprehensive, foundational and exceptionally accessible for clients, with a wonderful explanation for the “why” behind all exercises / approaches.
Exceptionally well laid out, with a great background review of the scapular, shoulder movement, and involved muscles to provide a holistic approach. The exercises are very well described, LOVE the “errors” section to assist with improving accuracy of each exercise. Love the handouts and the E-book. Overall, the best thing is the ease of lay out/presentation of material, so all is easy to understand and implement immediately.”
Catherine Holden
Baltimore, MD
Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
“I Really Like How Complete and Comprehensive Your Book Is!”
In reviewing your scapular stabilization exercises book I have to say that I really like how complete and comprehensive your book is.
Not only does it deal with the reasons why these exercises are needed, but it teaches so much more such as the main contributors to shoulder dysfunction, pain and injuries that most people do not understand, the muscles responsible for scapular stabilization and their functions as well. The book also includes common mistakes when performing the exercises for easy corrections and also progressions for the exercises.
The illustrations of the muscles involved and the exercises really help make this program simple to follow yet effective.
The exercises in your book are a must not only for anyone suffering from shoulder dysfunction and chronic pain but for pre-habilitation purposes also.
Thanks for putting together this much needed program in this day and age of shoulder problems that so many individuals need a solution for.
Great job Rick,
Kevin Yates
Personal Trainer Tracy, California
Questions & Answers
Question: I have been using strength machines to help my clients recover from their shoulder injury?
When using strength machine, you are focusing on the big muscles (primary movers) of the shoulder and not the muscles that stabilize it. You need to incorporate scapular stabilization exercise which target the stabilizers of the shoulder.
Question: I have been giving my clients free weight shoulder exercises?
Once again, the focus of “shoulder exercises” are the primary movers of the shoulder which are not the key muscles that support the shoulder. It is important to begin with a foundation of scapular stabilization exercises before doing the free weight shoulder exercises.
Question: I found some rotator cuff exercises on the internet and I am giving them to my client?
If the rotator cuff exercises you are giving your client is creating any kind of pain, you maybe doing more harm than good. Pain and inflammation will turn off the stabilizers of the shoulder, put greater stress on the rotator cuff and increase the risk of injury to the shoulder.
Before you start doing rotator cuff exercises, you need to start with scapular stabilization exercises.
Question: I have been doing resistive band exercises with my seniors to help with their overhead movement?
Resistive bands are good for strengthening the large muscles of the shoulder and even the rotator cuff. They miss on scapular stabilizers which help stabilize the shoulder with overhead movements.
“The Webinar is Packed Full of Content!”
“The webinars which Rick Kaselj has are very informative. He provides a lot of content in a very short time and always provides a copy of the webinar and pdfs when necessary. It is nice to have a copy of the webinar so that you can look back and refresh your mind at a later date. Thanks Rick…..wish there were more!”
Jackie Harrison
BSc HK NS Certified Kinesiologist
Here are the Benefits of The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program:
- The 9 causes of why your client’s scapular stabilizing muscles are not working and how you can help them get back to working again
- Discover the 7 actions your client can do to improve the strength and stability of the muscles
- Be able to teach the 7 ways your health shoulder clients can prevent scapular stabilization injuries
- You will learn what is scapular stabilization and why everyone should be doing scapular stabilization exercises
- This program will help you understand why scapular stabilizers are so Important and an easy why to teach it to your client.
- Be able to differentiate who should and should not be doing scapular stabilization exercises
- Learn the causes of why ones scapular stabilizers are not working?
- The five components you need to have in a scapular stabilization exercise program or you are wasting your time
- The two muscles you need to stretch out in order before doing scapular stabilization exercise program and best stretching for the
- The three muscles that you need to self massage in order to get better results from your scapular stabilization program
- Two techniques to self massage over active and tight muscles in the shoulder
- Review the essential anatomy of the shoulder that you must understand in order to teach your clients about scapular stabilization
“The Handouts Have Been Helpful for My Clients”
Hi Rick!
I found the scapular stabilization exercise program very organized, full of helpful information and the explanations were simple and to point.
The handouts have been very useful for my clients, as well. Awesome job Rick!”
Naiana Naicu
Practicing Kinesiologist
Maple Ridge, BC
More Questions & Answers
Question: I already do scapular stabilization exercises clients, how are these different?
I have been teaching courses for fitness professionals on scapular stabilization since 2004. They let me know what they do for scapular stabilization. They may know an exercise to do but they don’t know the order, specific technique, tempo and hold length to get the most results from scapular stabilization exercises.
Question: Why should I start with scapular stabilization before strengthening?
You must have stability of the joint or you can not build strength. You start of with scapular stabilization exercises in order to make the shoulder joint more stable so you can then strengthen the joint.
If all you do is strengthen the joint, the shoulder joint will be find when it is doing nothing but when it starts moving and working. There will be no stability to prevent it from getting injured or re-injured.
Question: I work the scapular stabilizers when I am doing strengthening exercises?
The large primary muscle groups and used when they are needed. The smaller scapular stabilizing joint are used for a longer part of the day and need to be trained differently than the large shoulder muscles.
Question: I have added a number of scapular stabilizing exercises to my class after I went to a fitness conference?
It is important to do scapular stabilization exercises at the correct tempo, hold, order and time within your class or you could be doing more harm than good. If the fitness presenter highlighted this, then you are good to go. If not, you could be causing more harm than good.
“Easy to Integrate Into My Client’s Exercise Program”
Rick has put together a great system for scapular stabilization.
He clearly address the important muscle responsible for stabilizing the scapulae, has great drills on activating them and exercises that address each.
He has also done a great job of delivering the material in a quick and easy fashion.
I found the program easy to follow and easy to integrate into my client’s exercise programs.
Jon Kawamoto
Strength Coach
Click here now to order The Scapular Stabilization Exercises Program for $97 $47.
“The Cutting Edge Exercises Help Our Clients”
We have had the program for 1 week now and have given it to all of our shoulder and scapular stabilization clients. The cutting edge exercises in the program really help our clients by given them a take home program that is easy to understand and not overwhelming in the number of exercises. The videos are great to show clients if they do not understanding the exercises.
Our staff have loved the resources and it has given them a better understanding of what is need to increase stability in the scapular area.
This is an outstanding resource of information for beginners all the way up to highly experienced practitioners like myself who have 10 year in the industry. I learned a number of new techniques and was reintroduced to a couple of techniques as well.
Paul K Turner bhkin cfss cep
Practicing Kinesiologist.
Owner Three Peaks Kinesiology www.3pk.ca
Click here now to order The Scapular Stabilization Exercises Program for $97 $47.
“I Enjoyed All the Videos”
“I just got the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program. I have enjoyed all the videos, content and exercises that comes with the scapular stabilization exercise program. All of the material is great and I am look forward to getting my clients doing scapular stabilization exercises and improving their shoulder problems.”
Stephen Boothman
Comox, BC
Massage Therapist
Click here now to order The Scapular Stabilization Exercises Program for $97 $47.
Summarizing what you will get for $97 $47:
- Scapular Stabilization Exercise Webinar for Fitness Professionals ($208 value)
- Scapular Stabilization Book ($39.95 value)
- Videos of the Scapular Stabilization Exercises ($69.95 value)
- Client Handout (9.95 value)
- Detailed Bibliography on Scapular Stabilization ($99 value)
- Best Web Source for Scapular Stabilization Exercises ($49 value)
- Copy of the Webinar Presentation ($99 value)
- MP3 of the Webinar Presentation ($99 value)
- Webinar Handout ($24.95 value)
- Free Shoulder Exercise eMail Support – 30 Day ($99 value) – First 20 Only!
That is $797.80 for only $97 $47:
Click here now to order The Scapular Stabilization Exercises Program for $97 $47.
In 7 days, if your clients don’t have a decrease in pain, an improvement in range of motion and a more stable shoulder You Get Your Money Back!
If that is Not Good Enough, Try The Scapular Stabilization Program For The Next 60 Days With A No-Risk, 100% Money Back Guarantee!
“Test drive” The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program for the next 60 days with absolutely no risk so you can see how the range of motion, pain and stability improves in your clients. You can feel completely safe because you are protected by my iron clad 100% money back guarantee.
You will not only be satisfied, I guarantee you will be thrilled and amazed with The Scapular Stabilization Exercise program, or you can simply email me and ask for a prompt and courteous, no hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
In fact, if you’re not completely happy for any reason at all, then I insist that you ask for a refund. However, after seeing so many men and women improve their shoulder injuries in a quick and effective manner, I am confident that you will be thrilled as well.
Helping you get fit and healthy,
Rick Kaselj, MS
Author, The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program
P.S. – There is NO RISK at all for you when you try the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program. If you are not thrilled how this program decreases your clients pain, improves their range of motion and increases their shoulder stability, let me know and I will refund your order. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Rick Kaselj has been trusted by the largest fitness & rehabilitation associations in Canada (CanFitPro, BCRPA, CKA, NHPC).
P.P.S – If you are sick and tired of giving shoulder strengthening exercises to your clients without getting any results, then use the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program to help your clients decrease their shoulder pain, improve their range of motion and improve their shoulder stability.
P.P.P.S. – There’s only one catch to all this. You need to act now to get the complete bonus package along with the exercise routing (including the valuable one-hour webinar video). With all of the new bonuses I’ve just added, I’ve been told this package is way too cheap now and the price will be going up very soon. Of, if I decide to keep the price the same, the bonuses may be withdrawn at any time and put up for sale separately.
Order now so you don’t miss out on the great shoulder stability bonus package deal!
Click here now to order The Scapular Stabilization Exercises Program for $97 $47.
NOTE: The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program is a downloadable video and e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the video and e-book. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC. The video format is WMV and FLV which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
Healing Through Movement
19338 68th Avenue
Surrey, BC
V4N 0B8