Discover Not Just How to Relieve Shoulder Pain & Tightness ...But Also How to Prevent it from Recurring in the Future!
Don’t Continue to Live With Shoulders That Hurt or Feel ‘Old and Rusty’ … There is a Simple Three Step System That Rejuvenates Sore Shoulders & Gets Rid of Pain Safely & Naturally …

Nagging shoulder pain is actually quite common, especially as we age. Still, that doesn’t mean that you just have to “live with it.”
There are things you can do to get rid of the discomfort and get on with your life. In fact, I helped revolutionize the treatment of tight or sore shoulders back in 2007 and I’m confident that I can help you feel better now.
I’m going to tell you all about my natural, 100% safe shoulder exercise program in just a minute, but first let’s look at why the shoulders can be such a problem for many men and women.
Who Am I?
Hello, my name is Rick Kaselj, MS, and creating programs that help people heal injuries and eliminate pain is what I do.
I started as a personal trainer, exercise therapist and kinesiologist, but quickly discovered that many of the traditional exercise and treatment programs weren’t producing the results I wanted for my clients.
So I took it upon myself to get the right knowledge, scour the medical research, and do hands-on testing, so I could ACTUALLY help my clients get better.
With the advent of the Internet, I saw a terrific opportunity to offer and deliver my programs to many more people, so they too could finally get relief from pain, heal their injuries, and get back to the active lives they enjoy.

Shouldering the Load – Why Our Shoulders Tend to Break Down
The thing about the shoulder is that it is made up of numerous structures, which means there are numerous opportunities for something to go wrong. Full range of motion in the shoulder requires joints and tendons and muscles all working together.
When everything is functioning properly, we are able to reach up to get something off a high shelf or throw a football or lift a weight or scratch our back with relative ease.
However, if something goes wrong with one of the many structures inside the shoulder – through wear and tear or a specific injury – we may experience instability, impingement or aches and pains.
And nobody wants to live their life in pain, whether it is temporary, recurring or especially if it is constant.
That’s why I have developed the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program.
This program helps clients with shoulder injuries and pain. It improves the range of motion of their arm, decreases pain in their arm and increases stability in the shoulder.
Lack of stability in the shoulder can lead to dangerous circumstances where you may drop something that could injure you or someone else. Pain in the shoulder can prevent you from exercising or even sleeping well.
Here’s the First Thing You Need to Know About Shoulder Pain:
Those Old Shoulder Strengthening Exercises Don’t Work!
All the way back in 2003, I was working at a large rehabilitation center where I was asked to treat a lot of patients with shoulder injuries.
At the time, I was just starting out in my career and was familiar with all the traditional treatment programs so I used the prescribed treatment of the time – shoulder strengthening exercises.
Well, guess what? They didn’t work!
This forced me to question what I had learned … and I began to research the topic extensively.
While most experts still recommended strength training exercises for shoulder problems, I did come across research that recommended scapular stabilization exercises instead.
The scapular muscles protect the rotator cuff and stabilize the shoulder during overhead movements.
I began using these exercises instead of the strength training ones with my clients in the clinic and I was amazed with the results.
The next year, a friend who was in physical therapy school heard about the exercises I was doing and the results I was getting and that led to me being invited to speak about scapular stabilization at a conference at McMasters University.
The conference was attended by physical therapy students from across Canada and I have to say, most appeared blown away by what I had to show them.
That experience led me to fine-tune my approach and create a complete system that I began teaching to other fitness professionals in 2007.
Still, the medical and physical therapy establishments are slow to embrace change. Now over 10 years later, my treatment methods are still considered “outside the norm.”
But here’s the thing – they work! They really work.
I’ve got testimonial after testimonial to prove this. Look at just a couple of the many I’ve received:
- Paul K Turner bhkin cfss cep, Practicing Kinesiologist, Owner Three Peaks Kinesiology![]()
We have had the program for 1 week now and have given it to all of our shoulder and scapular stabilization clients. The cutting edge exercises in the program really help our clients by giving them a take home program that is easy to understand and not overwhelming in the number of exercises. The videos are great to show to clients if they do not understand the exercises.
Our staff loves the resources and it has given them a better understanding of what is needed to increase stability in the scapular area.
This is an outstanding resource of information for beginners all the way up to highly experienced practitioners like myself who have 10 years in the industry. I learned a number of new techniques and was reintroduced to a couple of techniques as well.
- Jon Kawamoto, Strength Coach,![]()
Rick has put together a great system for scapular stabilization. He clearly addresses the important muscle responsible for stabilizing the scapulae, has great drills on activating them and exercises that address each. He has also done a great job of delivering the material in a quick and easy fashion. I found the program easy to follow and easy to integrate into my client’s exercise programs.
Traditional Shoulder Strength Exercises Are By Far the Least Effective Way to Reduce Shoulder Pain & Regain Shoulder Mobility
In fact, the wrong strength exercises can lead to more damage – and if the joint eventually fails, that can prevent you from doing everyday tasks and activities you love.
For example, you may have to stop lifting weights, typing could be painful and sleeping through the night comfortably could become a thing of the past.
In the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program, you will focus on making the shoulder joint more stable and eliminating pains so that you can strengthen the joint in the future.
You must have stability of the joint or you cannot build strength!
This program builds stability to prevent your shoulder from getting injured or re-injured in the future.
Introducing The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program
At last, there is a comprehensive yet simple to follow program that contains the exercises you need to know to naturally eliminate your shoulder pain and tightness.

You get manuals that describe the entire program in an easy to understand manner and videos that show you exactly how to perform the exercises… along with a lot more.
This program reveals:
- 9 reasons scapular stabilizing muscles become destabilized and how to get them working properly again
- 7 fast and easy ways to improve the strength and stability of the shoulder muscles – plus, 7 ways to prevent scapular stabilization injuries
- Why everyone should be doing scapular stabilization exercises whether they have pain or not
- The five components a scapular stabilization exercise program must have or it will be a complete waste of your time
- The two muscles you must stretch out BEFORE doing scapular stabilization exercises to ensure the best results
- Two techniques to self-massage and relax overactive and tight muscles in the shoulder
- What exercises to do and the correct order to do them to get quick relief from shoulder pain
- How to make the exercises easier or more challenging depending on the severity of your shoulder pain
- Not only what exercises “TO DO” but also what exercises to avoid because they are a waste of time or could make your condition worse
- How to avoid the common mistakes that people often make with shoulder exercises
- The single most important movement you must do in order to overcome shoulder pain
Plus, as I mentioned before, this program contains an assessment guide so that you can determine the severity of your injury and the proper course of treatment.
The program also comes with a Quick-Start Guide that will show you the fastest way to get started so that you can relieve the symptoms you are feeling as quickly as possible!
Here’s Everything That is Included in the Program:
You get a video, manual and fill-in sheet to help you assess your current condition. The video and manual walk you through how to assess the current condition of your shoulder. This is important to do because different people experience different levels of pain and stiffness. You’ll record your assessments on the fill-in sheet and based on your findings, you’ll know exactly where to start in the program. This assessment process is critical to ensuring you get the best results possible from the program and you avoid injury.
The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program is filled with a lot of beneficial information but I want you to be able to get started and experience results as fast as possible so I created this guide which distills all the content down to the bare essentials you need to know to get started fast.
The Condition Summary lays out the exact roadmap you need to follow to regain pain-free movement.
I’ve broken this program into three stages. The three stages allow you to self-direct your progress so you get the fastest possible recovery. The stages progress from very easy (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This three-stage structure ensures that any person can complete this program and relieve pain and improve mobility – even those who have severe pain or who have not exercised a day in their life!
For each of the 3 stages, you get 1 instructional video, 1 follow-along video, 1 manual, 1 quick reference guide and 1 tracking sheet – everything you need to achieve maximum results. Here’s what comes in each:
The instructional video you get in each of the 3 stages is your virtual personal training session with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:
- Slowly demonstrate STEP-BY-STEP exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you ALL the common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you everything you need – exactly how many reps and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right and more.
You also get 3 follow-along videos - 1 for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your very own personal coaching sessions with me. In them, you will do each of the exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them on video with you, while I count out time and reps, and coach you along the way.
You get 3 manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. In these handy PDF guides, you’ll have everything you need to use this program to reach your end-goal: relieving shoulder pain. The guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
- Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of reps, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise, so you can be sure you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
As mentioned above, for each of the 3 stages in this program, you get an instructional video, a follow-along video, and a comprehensive manual.
Once you get into the program and start learning the exercises, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time. That’s exactly what this Quick Reference Guide is for!
Every exercise in the program is laid out in this brief guide so it’s quick and easy to find them, learn them and do them! For every exercise, there is a start and end photo, a quick summary of the exercise, and instructions on how to do it correctly.
In my more than 25 years of experience as a kinesiologist and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs experience better and faster results than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the exercises!
Take a Look at What Others Are Saying
About This Exercise Program:
Very informative! The exercises are described very well and I really like the client sheet with the exercises on one page. I like that it can be done in about 10 minutes and it is only 5 reps per exercise. I found the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program a very helpful program to exercise the scapular muscles.
Chris O., San Ramon, CA
I would describe the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program as very comprehensive, foundational and exceptionally accessible for clients, with a wonderful explanation for the “why” behind all exercises / approaches.
Catherine Holden, Baltimore, MD, Occupational Therapist, Registered, Licensed
Exceptionally well laid out, with a great background review of the scapular, shoulder movement, and involved muscles to provide a holistic approach. The exercises are very well described, LOVE the “errors” section to assist with improving accuracy of each exercise. Love the handouts and the E-book. Overall, the best thing is the ease of lay out/presentation of material, so all is easy to understand and implement immediately.
In reviewing your scapular stabilization exercise program, I have to say that I really like how complete and comprehensive it is. Not only does it deal with the reasons why these exercises are needed, but it teaches so much more such as the main contributors to shoulder dysfunction, pain and injuries that most people do not understand, the muscles responsible for scapular stabilization and their functions as well.
Kevin Yates, Personal Trainer Tracy, California,
The program also includes common mistakes when performing the exercises for easy corrections and also progressions for the exercises. The illustrations of the muscles involved and the exercises really help make this program simple to follow yet effective.
The exercises are a must not only for anyone suffering from shoulder dysfunction and chronic pain but for pre-habilitation purposes also. Thanks for putting together this much needed program in this day and age of shoulder problems that so many individuals need a solution for.
I found the scapular stabilization exercise program very organized, full of helpful information and the explanations were simple and on point. The handouts have been very useful for my clients, as well. Awesome job Rick!
Naiana Naicu, Practicing Kinesiologist, Maple Ridge, BC
I just got the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program. I have enjoyed all the videos, content and exercises that comes with the scapular stabilization exercise program. All of the material is great and I am looking forward to getting my clients doing scapular stabilization exercises and improving their shoulder problems.
Stephen Boothman, Comox, BC, Massage Therapist
Ready to Write Your Own Success Story?
Get The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program Today!
The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program is filled with the expert tips and exercises that will allow you to eliminate your discomfort and pain as fast as possible.
Plus, with the videos, you can see exactly how to do the exercises so you can avoid using bad form which could negatively impact your results.
Save yourself money and frustration – get the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program today and regain pain-free mobility!
- Imagine no longer feeling pain or tightness in your shoulder …
- Imagine being able to raise your arm up and down with no discomfort …
- Imagine being able to sleep peacefully – studies show 80% of those with shoulder injuries have trouble sleeping …
- Imagine being able to exercise without worry …
Order Now & Get This Entire Package
for Just $37!

Let’s see – spend hundreds, possibly even thousands of dollars on drugs and surgery or get similar results in similar time for just $37?
That’s the decision you have today.
Remember, this program is a safe, natural solution with no bad side effects. Heal your shoulders safely and naturally with the very best exercises that have ever been created.
Get the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program today! For just $37, you could save hundreds and possibly thousands in medical costs and you’ll avoid the bad effects associated with both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Let me recap, here’s all that you will get when you order now:
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGEVideo, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition |
($57 value) |
CONDITION SUMMARY(1 Condition Summary PDF) |
($27 value) |
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAMYour personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS |
($137 value) |
($27 value) |
PROGRESS TRACKING SHEET(3 Progress Tracking Sheets PDFs) |
($27 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #1: FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP IN THE EFI’s VIP COACHING GROUPGet your questions answered and get valuable support, accountability and inspiration in the Exercises For Injuries VIP Coaching Group. |
($57 value) |
SPECIAL BONUS #2: FREE LIFETIME UPDATESAnytime the Scapular Stabilization Exercises program is updated, you will receive a free copy of the new version. |
($37 value) |
> > > TOTAL VALUE OF ALL COMPONENTS (7 videos, 8 PDFs) |
$369.00 |
$57.00 |
$37.00 |
You get:
- Easy-to-perform but highly effective exercises with complete videos and instructions on how to do them
- Assessment tools to determine the severity of your shoulder injury so you know the best way to proceed
- A Quick Start guide that tells you exactly where to start and what to do to achieve the fastest results
- Complete exercise blueprints to promote healing of your shoulder
- Step-by-step easy-to-understand techniques for eliminating pain resulting from a shoulder injury
- And much, much more
Plus, With My Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee,
You’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Lose!
I am so sure that you will love the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program that I am offering an unconditional 100% money-back guarantee.
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply contact my team anytime within 60 days of the date of your purchase by sending an email to, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked.
That’s EIGHT FULL WEEKS to put this program to the test! I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Eliminate your shoulder pain and/or tightness or get your purchase price back!
Get the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program Today & Get on the Fast Track to Being Pain Free!
It’s time to stop wasting time and money treating the symptoms and not the root cause of your condition.
When you have shoulder pain and/or instability, it can seriously disrupt your life and make even the simplest things – like pushing on the armrest of a chair to stand up – painful.
A painful shoulder can also affect your posture, make it difficult to reach overhead and create neck pain and tightness as well.
If you play sports, like golf or tennis, your performance could suffer. If you like to lift weights, you may find it very difficult – and very painful – to do so.
Right now, there are many “weekend warriors” and gym junkies who are doing strength exercises and not seeing any improvement in their shoulders. These people are frustrated and basically wasting their hard earned money.
Don’t be one of them. Get the Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program and get rid of shoulder pain for good.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Will this program really help me relieve shoulder pain & tightness?
This comprehensive yet simple to follow program contains the exercises you need to know to naturally eliminate your shoulder pain and tightness. This program reveals the fast and easy ways to improve the strength and stability of the shoulder muscles – plus, ways to prevent scapular stabilization injuries. You won’t find a complete program that has been carefully crafted, by a TRUE expert, and is based on scientific research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the necessary exercises, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of repetitions and sets. That’s exactly what Scapular Stabilization Exercise is.
Q: What kind of equipment do I need to do this program?
While many of the exercises and movements in this program are performed with your body only, you will need a few basic and inexpensive items like the Resistance Tubing with Handles and dumbbells. You can purchase these items at most sporting goods stores, or you can check our Exercises For Injuries Store. This will all be covered in the program so you know exactly how to use it.
Q: How long does it take to get my DVDs?
There are no DVDs – we won’t be sending you anything in the mail. This is a digital video product, which means you can access everything online, on our secure download web page. You get access to this download web page and everything in the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program (all the videos, manuals, reference guides, and trackers) immediately after you order. You can immediately download everything onto your computer and get started right away. You don’t have to wait for anything to arrive in the mail.
Q: Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?
No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and revisit any aspects of the videos anytime.
Q: Can I burn the videos onto a DVD?
Yes, you can. You can download the videos to your computer and then burn them to a blank DVD. This allows you to watch the videos on a DVD player at home, on your laptop, or on a different computer that has a DVD drive.
Q: Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?
Absolutely – the videos are in M4V format that can be viewed on any computer, tablet or smartphone.
Q: What if the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program doesn’t work for me?
The chances are very good that it will work for you, but just so you feel totally comfortable… if you decide, for any reason, or no reason at all, that you’d rather get your money back, we will refund all your money, no questions asked, as long as you contact us within 60 days of your date of purchase.
To your health and well-being,
Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj, MS
Injury Specialist & Kinesiologist
P.S. This is the at-home solution to your shoulder pain! You can do this video exercise program from the comfort of home, completely on your own. You get the scientifically-proven exercises that are shown exactly how they should be performed. The videos show you how to do each and every exercise perfectly, in exactly the right sequence, with exactly the right number of reps and sets all laid out for you. Order now
P.P.S. Remember, there is NO RISK at all for you when you try The Scapular Stabilization Exercise Program. If you are not completely thrilled with how this program helps you get rid of your pain, just let me know and I will refund your money. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Order now